Donker Web Chapter 22 Summary

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Chapter 22 emphasizes Greg's tension as he correlates Xander to Alexander the Great. After procuring Ritalin from Dain, a terrifying video of Judge Gericke's assault arrives via Telegram, heightening his fear. The chilling recording, featuring Dok Pienaar's voice, leaves Greg shocked, strained, and increasingly entangled in the unsolvable Gordian knot.


In Chapter 22, "A Horrific End," Greg Owen reflects on the Gordian knot—a complex, unsolvable problem—and its connection to Alexander the Great. Struck by the similarity of the name "Xander" to "Alexander," he intuits that Xander Gericke is crucial in resolving his own ensnarled mystery regarding 'the Baker'. Although frightened, Greg resolves to continue his pursuit. However, his ongoing responsibilities are not forgotten, including mundane tasks such as laundry and ordering food from Uber Eats. His stress levels have left him mentally drained, unable to ignore the persistent fatigue. To cope, he reaches out to his classmate Dain for more Ritalin, despite knowing the potential risks. When he meets Dain for the pick-up, he remains on high alert, constantly observing his surroundings for suspicious figures. Later, Greg receives a cryptic email urging him to download the Telegram app and continue their conversation there. After researching the app, Greg agrees and signs up under the username "G-4 ce." When he receives a chilling video of Xander’s father, Judge Gericke, being assaulted—shot up close and lit by a flashlight—his heart races. The harrowing video reveals assailants violently attacking the helpless man, making derogatory comments and pleas for mercy, justifying their actions as payback for some broken deal. The voice of one of the attackers belongs to Dok Pienaar, further thickening the atmosphere of fear and intrigue. The chapter ends with Greg in a state of shock, struggling to comprehend the graphic and terrifying video, his breath caught in his chest.


In "Donker Web" se twee-en-twintigste hoofstuk, verdiep Greg sy soektog na "Baker", met Xander as hoofverdagte. Hy worstel met onrustigheid, sien 'n verdagte motorfietsryer en ontvang 'n raaiselagtige Telegram-boodskap wat 'n grusame video ontbloot. Hy word oorweldig deur die wreedheid daarin, met Dok Pienaar as krimineel.


In hoofstuk 22 van "Donker Web" betree Greg 'n duister ontmoeting na sy besluit om voort te gaan met sy soektog na "Baker". Met 'n vermoede dat Xander moontlik die raaiselagtige Baker is, neem hy die besluit om hom, ondanks sy vrese, verder te soek. Terwyl Greg deur die daaglikse lewe navigeer, het hy 'n siek gevoel van onrustigheid en vrees. Hy bestel kos en probeer swot, maar ook die gebruik van Ritalin, wat hy van Dain bekom, kon hom nie teen die gevoelens van angs beskerm nie. Terwyl hy wag vir Dain, sien hy 'n verdagte man op 'n motorfiets buite sy woonstel. Later daardie aand ontvang hy 'n raaiselagtige e-pos wat hom instruksies gee om 'n boodskapdiens, Telegram, te aflaai. Na sy registrasie ontvang hy 'n boodskap van 'n onbekende sender wat vra of hy 'n video op Xander se SFTP-bediener gelaai het. Dit lei tot 'n gesprek wat die ontdekking van 'n swaar verontrustende video tot gevolg het. Die video skildery 'n grusame teregstelling met Dok Pienaar as die hoofkrimineel, en die beeldmateriaal brand die wreedheid vas in Greg se geheue. Die hoofstuk eindig met 'n voorgee van Greg se afgrys vir die video, die skokkende realiteit daarvan wat hom oorweldig het.

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