Donker Web Chapter 17 Summary
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Chapter 17 shows Greg delving into a cryptic book. He's interrupted by friends who show interest in his hacking skills, leading to a confess about seeking 'the Baker.' Ending in solitude, Greg's ordinary day becomes grim by witnessing an Anonymous member's dead body, deepening his unsettling realization.
In Chapter 17, titled "’n Rivier van dooie water", Greg struggles with the apparent rejection by Xander and feels defeated. To distract himself, he examines a burned, cryptic book that someone sent him. The delicate pages contain a name – Brodi – and other scarcely legible fragments, like: Cantha, D3 or D8, azid, and oxon, which he makes a mental note of. His investigation is interrupted by the surprise arrival of his friends, Plank and Lisa; followed by Chloe, adding an unexpected dinner party ambiance. In the conversation that ensues, Chloe expresses interest in Greg’s hacking abilities for a potential art project. Lisa points out that Greg had promised her father he no longer hacks, to which he paradoxically admits he's currently busy with something. As he discloses his plan to locate 'the Baker', Plank displays discomfort reminding him of the past trouble he's caused. The jovial gathering ends, leaving Greg alone to ruminate and attempt studying, yet he falls asleep over his textbook. The next day unfolds as usual until he encounters a crowd near a bridge on his way out. He fights his way through, only to be confronted with a horrifying sight: a dead body, bound, with blue skin - his shirt emblazoned with the logo of Anonymous - lying in the riverbed. This shock pushes Greg deep into a chilling realization, reinforcing his grim motivation.
In hoofstuk 17 worstel Greg met Baker se raaisel en voel hy verlate na Xander se afwending. Verrassingsbesoek van Plank, Lisa en Chloe ontlok bekentenisse. Hy ontdek Brodi se naam in die gebrande boek. 'n Afskuwelike ontdekking van 'n dooie liggaam skok hom terwyl hy die brug oorsteek.
In hoofstuk 17, "’n Rivier van dooie water," voel Greg verlore nadat Xander sy voorgestelde samewerking geweier het. Terwyl hy ergerlik wacht vir sy Uber Eats-bestelling, kyk hy weer na die gebrande boek en sien 'n naam, Brodi, op die rand waar 'n bladsy gebrand het. Hy maak 'n opmerking daarvan en maak die boek toe, te moeg om verder te speur. Plank en Lisa skrik hom wanneer hulle onverwags in sy woonstel opdaag, gevolg deur Chloe. Terwyl hulle eet en gesels, bevestig Lisa haar verdenkings dat Greg nog steeds aan die hack is en hy bieg oor sy pogings om die Baker te vind. Plank is ontsteld, nie gelukkig nie dat Greg onrus vir hul lewe inbring. Na hulle vertrek het, probeer Greg 'n bietjie leer en val asleap met die handboek in sy hande en word die volgende oggend wakker deur sy alarm. Op pad uit sy woonstel kom hy Chloe en haar vriendinne teë, en sy herinner hom aan haar kunsprojek. Hy kom by 'n menigte mense by die brug aan om 'n afgryslike visoene te ontdek: 'n dooie liggaam, met die arms en bene vasgebind, sy vel blou, in die klipperige rivierbedding. Die lyk dra 'n geskeurde T-hemp met die Anonymous-logo op.