Donker Web Chapter 16 Summary

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Chapter 16 finds Greg anxiously awaiting Xander's response, while unsuccessfully balancing studies and social life. An unexpected meeting with Xander's old partner, Tom, reveals morbid church secrets and Xander's cyber whereabouts. Despite desperate pleas, Tom denies Greg's offers, leaving him clinging to his quickly fading hope for help.


Chapter 16, "’n Skim uit die verlede," recounts Greg's anxious wait for a response from Xander Gericke. Despite no forthcoming reply, he persists, flickers of desperation seen in his desperate follow-up message. Greg's dull routine, divided between studies and futile attempts at sociability with Plank and Lisa, is disrupted by an unexpected encounter. Greg crosses paths with a blast from the past, Tom, who once helped Xander launch a social engineering attack. Recognizing Greg, Tom gestures him to follow, which he does, despite apprehensions about possible traps. The duo ultimately reaches Stellenbosch's central landmark, the NG Moederkerk. Therein, Tom reveals disturbing truths about hundreds being entombed beneath the church, including famed pastors and patriarchs of Afrikaans families. Amidst this morbid setting and tales, Greg enquires about Xander, to which Tom confirms he was indeed sent by Xander. Their conversation reveals hints of Xander's whereabouts in cyberspace and his continued indulgence in hacking. Despairing, Greg pleads for Xander's help, even offering money. However, Tom dismisses his offers, revealing Xander's wealth earned through early adoption of cryptocurrency. Greg's pleas of forgiving Xander's past wrongs fall on deaf ears, with Tom's final negation leaving Greg staring at his dwindling hope, disappearing in broad daylight.


In "Donker Web" se sestiende hoofstuk, wag Greg tevergeefs op Xander se antwoord. Sy soeke lei hom na Tom, Lawson Kollege-terreinbestuurder en Xander se vorige bondgenoot, wat onthul dat Xander nie saam met Greg wil werk nie. Hulpeloos, breek Greg se laaste hoop om "Baker" te vind.


In hoofstuk 16 van "Donker Web" genaamd "’n Skim uit die verlede," wag Greg nog steeds geduldig op 'n antwoord van Xander, die voormalige hacker, na sy belydenis. Sy pogings om homself af te lei met sy studies en sosiale aktiwiteite faal, en hy rig 'n desperate aansoek vir hulp aan Xander. Met geen antwoord wat na weke volg nie, sien Greg Tom, die terreinbestuurder van Lawson Kollege wat Xander met sy vorige hacking aanval gehelp het. Greg volg Tom na die NG Moederkerk, waar hy vertel hoe die voormalige predikante en 'n klompie stamvaders van Afrikaanse families onder die kerk se vloer begrawe is. Tom onthul dan dat Xander nie met Greg wil werk nie. Met sy laaste hoop op 'n onthulling oor "Baker" gebreek, bly Greg alleen en hooploos agter in die kerk.

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