Dinge wat ek nie van skape geweet het nie (Jaco Jacobs) Chapter 20 Summary

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Chapter 20: Luan's disciplinary incident is revealed; his stern grandmother expresses unexpected pride and relays sagacious advice about respecting Lana's independence. They bond over shared secrets on Jackson, Alice's post-apartheid lover and her estranged son, Luan's father. Unraveling complexities lend depth to familial dynamics and urge personal introspection.


Chapter 20 of 'Dinge Wat Ek Nie Van Skape Geweet Het Nie' gives new depth to the relationships and characters. Following Luan's confession about the incident that prompted his punishment, his stern grandmother outwardly chastises him, then unexpectedly voices her pride in him. She admires his heart, in spite of his reckless actions. Further, she offers advice on treating Lana, emphasizing her independence, likening her to a flockless sheep. Amid these revelations, Luan learns about his grandmother’s tumultuous past – a thwarted romance with Jackson, suppressed due to the apartheid-era laws. She discloses her subsequent secret affair with Jackson, post-apartheid, while still being married to Luan's grandfather. This affair, discovered by the judgemental community, strained her relationship with her son, Luan's father, crafting a clearer picture of their fragile family dynamics. Luan's sympathies for his grandmother grow, as he sees the potential life she could have led contrasted with the one she chose – hinting at the complexities of personal and societal choices. However, amidst the emotional revelations, she emphasizes one principle: each individual always has a choice in their actions, regardless of circumstances. Luan is left to digest the profound advice, along with newfound understanding of his grandmother and her inscrutable past, further complicating their journey in Karoo.


In hoofstuk twintig, gesels Luan en Ouma Alice oor sy dwase aksies, rasbeleid, seer en keuses. Sy biecht haar affêre met Jackson op, ontlok gemengde emosies. Alice prys Luan se moed en hart grootheid, terwyl hy Delores kosgee.


In hoofstuk twintig word Luan gekonfronteer met die realiteit van sy onverantwoordelike aksies nadat hy, saam met Ryan en Div, 'n huis met toiletpapier en klippe bewerp het. Ouma Alice skenk hom 'n verassende bietjie togging en looing tog vir sy onnoselheid, maar gee erkenning vir sy moed toe hy Delores, die skaap, gered het. Sy se dat hoewel hy nie altyd wysheid toon nie, hy 'n groot hart het. Sy waarsku hom ook dat Lana nie 'n meeloper is nie en soos 'n egte skaap haar eie kop volg. Ouma Alice vertrou haar diepte ouma Alice gedwonge geword om deur 'n moeilike periode in haar verlede te gaan waar sy 'n buite-huwelikse verhouding met Jackson Davids gehad het. Hy onthul dat sy en Jackson lief vir mekaar was, maar die rasbeleid het hulle gedwing om uit mekaar te gaan. Jackson het weggegaan en jare later het hulle kontak herstel. Sy skandalig maak hom ongemaklik rondom haar jonger familielede, met Luan wat besef dat sy ouers van haar verhouding met Jackson bewus was. Ouma Alice erken die moeilikheid van haar keuses, maar staan steeds daarop dat ons almal keuses het om te maak, selfs onder moeilike omstandighede. Die hoofstuk eindig met 'n bietjie humor as Ouma Alice Luan herinner om Delores te kosgee.

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