Dinge wat ek nie van skape geweet het nie (Jaco Jacobs) Chapter 19 Summary

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Chapter 19: Joining Ryan and Div at an unsupervised house party, Luan engages in a risky prank involving rounds of toilet paper and water. When Ryan escalates, causing property damage, their fun spirals into dread as alarms blare, dogs bark, and security cars block their escape, cornering them in an inescapable situation.


Chapter 19 has Luan, Ryan, and Div spending the night alone at Ryan's house while his parents are out. Participating in regular teenage activities like playing video games and drinking beer initially, Ryan shifts the mood by expressing his boredom and proposing an exciting plan. As mischievous as Ryan's schemes often are, this one promises trouble. Nevertheless, given the uniqueness of the idea and the thrill of engaging in it with Ryan and Div, Luan agrees. Ryan furnishes them with black tops and two Woolworths bags filled with rolls of toilet paper and a bucket of water. They venture out into the quiet, dark streets while sporting their dark tops, initiating the plan. Ryan seems to have a specific destination in mind, but doesn't reveal it to Luan or Div till they reach a quiet house with dark windows. The trio, equipped with their rolls of toilet paper, commence with their plan. Ryan, Div and eventually Luan, despite his initial hesitation, sling rolls of toilet paper onto the trees surrounding the house, shrouding them in pale white stripes. Ryan then introduces a twist to their plan, dipping the toilet paper in water and slinging it onto the house, followed by Div and Luan, creating wet splatters. The thrilling activity takes a sudden grim turn when Ryan starts throwing stones at the house, breaking a window and eliciting a cry from within the house. As lights come on in the house, they bolt. However, they find themselves trapped as security cars close off the exit and they find themselves surrounded by fences and increasingly irritated barking dogs. Their exhilarating adventure has culminated in a sticky, seemingly inescapable predicament, turning their thrill into dread.


In hoofstuk 19 voer Luan, daarheen gelok deur vriende Ryan en Div, 'n grap uit wat ontaard - hulle gooi toiletrolle by 'n huis, breek 'n venster en lok veiligheidswagte. Aanvanklike pret maak plek vir vrees as hulle vasgetrek word.


In hoofstuk negentien kom Luan, Ryan en Div by Ryan se huis aan vir 'n nag van Xbox en fliek kyk terwyl Ryan se ouers uit is. Ryan stel voor dat hulle aandryf met 'n meer opwindende aktiwiteit wat probleme veroorsaak. Ondanks sy aanvanklike aarseling vind Luan die idee snaaks en besluit om saam te doen. Geleë met donker klere en sakke vol toiletrolle en 'n emmer water, verlaat die seuns die huis en begin deur die donker strate slenter. Onder leiding van Ryan kom hulle by 'n huis in 'n stille straat. Luan, verbaas oor hoe Ryan die adres van die huis ontdek het, volg sy leiding soos hulle begin om die bome rondom die huis met toiletrolle te drap. Hulle gaan voort om die huis met nat toiletpapier te bombardeer. Nadat hulle al die toiletpapier opgebruik het, begin die seuns klippe na die huis gooi, wat 'n ruit breek en iemand binne die huis laat huil. Hul aktiwiteite lok die aandag van 'n veiligheidsmaatskappy, wat met flitsende ligte opdaag en die seuns in hul spore stuit. Die adrenalien wat Luan aanvanklik geniet het, verander nou in naarheid. Hulle is gevang.

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