Dinge wat ek nie van skape geweet het nie (Jaco Jacobs) Chapter 17 Summary
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Chapter 17: Alice wakes Luan as Lana arrives to bid farewell. Photographs spark curiosity about Alice's past with Jackson. Lana flaunts Dolores's Twitter fame to her parents; an international animal rights group shares Dolores' photos. Police accuse Luan and Lana of sheep theft, compelling all to the police station.
In Chapter 17, Luan is awakened by his grandmother Alice with news that breakfast is ready and Lana is coming to say goodbye before they depart. Waking up with memories of discovering old photographs of Alice with Jackson, Luan is left puzzled about their past relationship. As breakfast goes on, interactions between Alice and Jackson hint at their once-intimate bond. Shortly afterwards, Lana and her family arrived, and the adults along with Luan visited Dolores. While showing off Dolores' Twitter fame to Lana's family, Lana reveals that an international animal rights group has even shared pictures of Dolores. Just as excitement peaks, the house is visited by two police officers, Sergeant Mentoor and Constable Steyn. After questioning the adults about Lana and Luan, the Sergeant, referencing pictures on his phone, accuses Luan and Lana of stealing Dolores from the church bazaar at De Aar. This shocks everyone, as Lana thought Luan had bought Dolores legally. The chapter ends with the two teenagers and their guardians being asked to accompany the officers to the police station, leaving Dolores' fate uncertain.
In hoofstuk 17 ontmoet Luan Lana voor hulle fietsrytoer. Polisie beskuldig Luan en Lana van veediefstal van Delores. Hulle moet almal na die stasie vir ondervraging. Luan twyfel oor ouma se intimiteit met oom Jackson.
In hoofstuk 17, word Luan wakker gemaak deur sy ouma, Alice, wat hom vertel dat Lana hom kom groet voor hulle vertrek. Luan onthou die foto's van sy ouma en oom Jackson wat hy die vorige aand in Alice se handsak gevind het. Hy wonder hoe hierdie foto's en die verhouding tussen oom Jackson en sy ouma in verband staan met sy lewe. Tydens ontbyt met Alice en oom Jackson, merk hy subtiele tekens van intimiteit tussen hulle. Net na ontbyt arriveer Lana en haar gesin. Hulle groet die geskenk-skaap, Delores, voordat hulle vertrek op hul fietsrytoer. Lana is verheug om te deel dat Delores se Twitter-rekening 'n groot internasionale diereregtegroep bereik het. Die harmonie van die oggend word egter onderbreek wanneer 'n polisiesersant en konstabel by die plaas aankom. Hulle beskuldig Luan en Lana van veediefstal en beweer dat Delores gesteel is by 'n kerkbasaar in De Aar. Lana is geskok en vra aan Luan of hy nie die skaap by 'n veiling gekoop het nie, soos hy voorheen beweer het. Die sersant beveel dat almal, insluitend die gesin wat besig is om te vertrek, na die polisiestasie moet gaan vir verdere ondervraging.