Dinge wat ek nie van skape geweet het nie (Jaco Jacobs) Chapter 12 Summary

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Chapter 12 sees Luan bonding with his grandmother over driving lessons and shared stubbornness, further complicating familial dynamics. Unexpectedly, Luan becomes an accidental animal rights advocate through Dolores' Twitter fame. A potential reunion with Lana in Carnarvon looms, suspensefully culminating their overlapping journeys.


Chapter 12 sees Luan experiencing his first driving encounter with his grandmother guiding him, taking a step further into adulthood. Despite the initial difficulty of manoeuvring the Land Rover, Luan gradually adapts and savours the moment. He captures it in a photo and shares it with Lana, revealing him behind the wheel with Dolores the sheep in the background. Shockingly, Luan and Lana find out they're both headed towards Carnarvon, setting up a possible meet-up. Luan’s grandmother then reveals her childhood spent in Carnarvon and shared memories of her father teaching her and her brother to drive on these same country roads. Their conversation takes a solemn turn when his grandmother questions Luan about his estranged relationship with his father. Blocking her intrusive inquiry, Luan questions her own awkward relationship with his dad. As Delores seems to sense the tension, Luan's grandmother admits to disappointing his parents, creating more intrigue about their family dynamics. In a twist, they bond over their shared trait of stubbornness and his grandmother respects his decision to remain silent about the reason behind his punishment. Meanwhile, Dolores' Twitter presence escalates, accumulating over 400 followers, propelling Luan's popularity, as he's tagged in photos. People fighting for animal rights resonate with Luan's story, transforming his image into an accidental animal rights advocate. As they near their destination, Carnarvon, the excitement, tension, and unanswered questions punctuate the end of the chapter, setting the stage for new developments.


In hoofstuk twaalf bestuur Luan vir die eerste keer deur die Karoo, bemoedig deur ouma. Hy en Lana wissel boodskappe uit. Beiden is oppad Carnarvon. Ouma en Luan bespreek hul familiedinamika. Delores se Twitter-volgelinge groei, voornamlik diereregte-ondersteuners. Carnarvon is naderhand.


In Hoofstuk twaalf ontvang Luan sy eerste bestuursles van sy ouma terwyl hulle deur die Karoo reis. Na ongeveer twee uur se bestuur, gee hy die stuurwiel terug aan sy ouma en wissel terug na die passasierskant. Ondanks die uitdagings van wegtrek en stilhou, lei hy 'n gevoel van sukses. Ouma bemoedig hom deur te sê dat bestuur soos fietsry is - as jy dit eers regkry, sukkel jy nooit weer nie. Tydens hierdie reis, ontvang Luan 'n boodskap van Lana, en stuur 'n foto van homself agter die stuurwiel met Delores, die geredde skaap, in die agtergrond. Hy noem dat hulle op pad na Carnarvon is, opmerklik genoeg is Lana ook op daardie pad. Sodra Luan se ouma onthul dat sy in Carnarvon grootgeword het, vra sy onverwags oor die verhouding tussen Luan en sy pa. Luan draai die vraag om en vra oor die verhouding tussen sy ouma en sy pa. In weerwil hiervan verstaan Luan se ouma dat hy mag kies om nie te deel oor sy onlangse misdaad nie. Intussen neem Delores se Twitter-volgelinge toe, en dit blyk dat baie van haar ondersteuners diereregte-ondersteuners is. Terwyl Luan sy telefoon bekyk, flits 'n padteken verby: Carnarvon is net 10 kilometer weg.

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