Dinge wat ek nie van skape geweet het nie (Jaco Jacobs) Chapter 1 Summary

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In chapter 1, protagonist Luan faces undisclosed punishment from his stern attorney father, disrupting his relaxed holiday plans. Sent to spend time with his seldom-mentioned grandmother in Karoo, Luan, bitter and detached, battles his contrasting teenage life against his successful sister, Kristel's, law pursuits.


In Chapter 1 of 'Dinge Wat Ek Nie Van Skape Geweet Het Nie', the protagonist, Luan, finds himself facing dire consequences for a not yet disclosed wrongdoing that upset his father, a stern attorney. In response, his father decides to send him away for a holiday with his grandmother, an unusual occurrence given that the grandmother is rarely mentioned. Besides the looming consequence, Luan's teenage troubles for his holiday plans are thwarted. He intended to sleep in, play PlayStation, watch movies, spend time on WhatsApp and Twitter, and hang out with his friends. Yet, a trip to the Karoo with his grandmother wasn't among them. Luan's mother sighs and offers to help him pack, a superheroine of sorts whose power lies in guilt-inducing glances. Embittered, Luan escapes to the garden, even though it’s winter, to take time away from the tense atmosphere in the house. Later, his university-going sister, Kristel, joins him outside. She's painted as a perfect picture of success, a potential source of envy for Luan. She tries to convince him that spending the holiday with their grandmother may not be as bad as he thinks. Luan understands that his father's decision is not really about a holiday, but more a form of punishment. His father seizes his mobile phone and prohibits him from contacting his friends, Ryan and Div, apart from ensuring they won't meet during the vacation. Kristel, studying law and mirroring their father, questions Luan about what he and his friends did to face such drastic consequences. However, Luan, channeling a phrase from American police dramas, decides to exercise his right to remain silent.


In hoofstuk een ontmoet ons die jong Luan, gestraf deur sy prokureur pa om sy vakansie by sy Karoo ouma deur te bring vir 'n misdaad saam met vriende, Ryan en Div, gepleeg. Hy swyg oor die misdaad, kwaad en gefrustreerd oor sy ongewenste vakansie.


In die eerste hoofstuk van "Dinge Wat Ek Nie Van Skape Geweet Het Nie," maak ons kennis met ons jong hoofkarakter, Luan. Sy pa, 'n streng prokureur, besluit dat Luan sy skoolvakansie by sy ouma in die Karoo gaan deurbring as straf vir 'n misdaad wat hy en sy vriende, Ryan en Div, gepleeg het. Luan is kwaad en teleurgesteld omdat hy alreeds planne vir sy vakansie gehad het, soos laat slaap, PlayStation speel, flieks kyk, op WhatsApp en Twitter rondhang en saam met sy pelle kuier. Dit het nie sy skoolvakansie by sy ouma ingesluit nie. Sy ma bied aan om hom te help met sy klere inpak en sy suster Kristel, 'n universiteitstudente wat regte swot, bied simpatie aan. Kristel probeer Luan aanmoedig deur te sê dat die vakansie saam met sy ouma op die ou end miskien nie so sleg is nie. Luan is egter steeds opstandig en weier om te deel in wat hy en sy vriende gedoen het, insluitend 'n verwysing na 'n breek-en-steek insident. Hy besluit om sy reg om te swyg te pleeg, 'n besluit beïnvloed deur sy blootstelling aan Amerikaanse polisiereekse op TV. Die hoofstuk eindig met 'n gevoel van terughoudendheid waar Luan niks oor sy misdaad aan sy suster of ouers openbaar nie, waarskynlik bang dat dit teen hom gebruik sal word. Hy bly dus stil en kyk uit op die swembad, steeds kwaad en gefrustreerd oor die vooruitsig van sy vakansie by sy ouma in die Karoo.

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