Verkleining in Afrikaans
Verkleining in Afrikaans is used to describe words in 3 ways - An inferior way, a pitiful way and a small size way - The way that verkleining is used is dependant on the context of the sentence. To change words into verkleining what you must do is learn the groups that apply to certain words. Here they are...
1. Ending in -p, -k, -g, -s, -f, these words must have an "i.e." added on to them.
This can be remembered by Piet kry gou sy fietse.
Words with long vowels must have a vowel dropped from them and short, single syllable words must have the consonant doubled.
Pak - Pakkie
Kaas -Kasie
Duif - Duifie
Vark - Varkie
2. Ending in -r, -l, -n these words must have "tjie" added on to them (long sounding vowel)
This can be remembered by Rein lag nooit.
Here words with short sounding vowels must have the consonant doubled and "etjie" added on.
kar - karretjie
pan - pannetjie
vel - velletjie
kraan - kraantjie
soen - soentjie
tuin - tuintjie
3. Ending in -m with a long vowel you add "pie"
Here words with short sounding vowels must have the consonant doubled and have "etjie" added on to it.
boom - boompie
naam - naampie
dam - dammetjie
som - sommetjie
4. Words ending in -d, -t these words must have "jie" added to it
hond - hondjie
kat - katjie
baard - baardjie
5. Words ending in -ng with a short vowel must have "etjie" added on to it.
Words ending in -ng but have 2 syllables must have "kie"
ring - ringetjie
long - longetjie
ko-ning - koningkie
do-ring - doringkie
va-ring - varinkie
6. Words that have -eeu, -ie, -y, -ei, -ooi, -aai, -oei must have "tjie" added on to it
Kraai - Kraaitjie
By - Bytjie
Leeu - Leeutjie
7. Words that have an emphasis and end on -i, -o, -u, -á must have 'tjie added on to them
Skadu - Skadu'tjie
Foto - Foto'tjie
That was the last group and below is a test that will mark your results and at the very bottom is a learning tool which you can use to study. There is also flash cards between the test. Please select "see term first" if there is an option on your studying method.
Here is a tool which you can learn the different groups of verkleining.