Voegwoorde in Afrikaans
Voegwoorde are conjunctions in Afrikaans. They help you to join two sentences together to form 1. This can be useful in sentences that need to flow in everyday conversation.
To learn voegwoorde you must learn the three groups that form the structure for this section. Below are the three groups explained.
1. Group 1 is the easiest group in this section here all you have to do is place the conjunction in and leave everything else the same. Here are the conjunctions that are in group 1...
Want - You can remember this by MEOW DOG
The blue groups are the simple conjunctions that you put in the middle of two sentences.
Eg. Josh hou van rooi maar Susan hou van blou.
The bottom three are different, for these you must do this...
In a test they will give you the question like this-
Coke is nie gesond nie. Fanta is nie gesond nie. (nog...nog)
To do the question you first identify the part of the sentence that is the same in both.
Coke is nie gesond nie. Fanta is nie gesond nie.
Now what you must do is remove that part of the sentence. Once you have done that you put the first "nog" in front of your first word and the second "nog" before the second word.
Nog Coke nog Fanta
To finish you put the part of the sentence that was similar at the end.
Nog Coke nog Fanta is nie gesond nie.
2. Group 2 is the group where the verb in second sentence moves to right after the conjunction. Here are the conjunctions that use the rules for group 2...
- I usually remember this by process of elimination. If it is not a group one word then it is a group 3 or 2 word. If it doesn't have a "dat" in it then it isn't a group 3 word (there are exceptions). However if you want to learn it as an acronym then it would be 3D ADDING ANNTT.
To use a group 2 conjunction you must do the following...
In a test the question will look like this -
Soggens staan ek vroeg op. Ek boorsel my tande baie goed. (daarna)
What you do now is put the conjunction between the sentenced then you have to identify your first verb in your second sentence.
Soggens staan ek vroeg op daarna ek borsel my tande baie goed.
Once you have the verb identified move it to the conjunction.
Soggens staan ek vroeg op daarna borsel ek my tande baie goed.
Group 3
Group 3 is a relatively simple group. All you have to do is move the verb to the end of the second sentence. The list of conjunctions that fall under group 3 are as follows…
- dat
- omdat
- totdat
- voordat
- nadat
- sodat
- wat
- wie
- terwyl
- alhoewel
- toe
- sodra
- sedert
- aangesien
- as
- of
- mits
- tensy
- indien
The most common conjunctions in group 3 contain “dat” in them, making it easier for you to remember…
Here is learning tool which you can use to find the meanings of the conjunctions.